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A PUBG clone or a battle royale game to take the throne of Android survival genre?

Garena International |
added on January 7, 2025
Download XAPK
322.1mb | free


Light download size and can run on a wide range of devices
The game looks better than PUBG on low to mid tier phones
No bots to ruin the game
Maps are smaller and matches are shorter, making it a good pick-up-and-play game
Constant updates and new features


Matches can sometimes feel lonely, even when parachuting in the middle of the map, considering the fact that there are only 50 players
Reviving your teammates is more difficult
It has a problem with hackers
Free Fire
Price: $
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) has paved the way for survival battle royale games on all platforms, including Android. However, although PUBG does provide amazing graphics and gameplay, it is a demanding game even for higher end devices.

People who are not able to play PUBG often turn to many different PUBG clones available on the Play Store, and Garena Free Fire appears to be the most popular alternative choice. The game boasts a smaller 450 MB download file and it's available for a broad range of Android devices.

The goal of the game is simple: everyone jumps out of an airplane and parachutes onto the location somewhere on the map. The goal is to be the last man/team standing while the map continuously shrinks.

There are 'only' 50 players in a Free Fire game, which is significantly less than 100 players in a PUBG match. This 'loneliness' can especially be felt if you drop off in a slightly less popular part of the map, as the entire game can pass without seeing an enemy before the final moments of the game.

Besides that, there isn't much which separates this game from its older brother PUBG. Even though PUBG boasts with better graphics, Garena Free Fire definitely looks better and performs smoother than PUBG on low to mid tier Android devices.

The problem of PUBG for Android is too many bots. Out of 100 players in a match, around a half are expected to be bots. This is not the case with Free Fire as all players are real and getting the victory feels much more satisfactory. Even though PUBG is more realistic and serious, Garena Free Fire is more than just a clone: it does things even better in certain aspects and deserves to step out of its shadow!
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• Android 5.0+

Operating system


Package name


Supported languages



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